made by Caravelle Data System
specification SCSI I/F, 4x read/2x recordable, External drive
Junk Point I've been borrowing
story It's one of the worst habit that "I don't return what I borrowed from someone". I don't borrow, but I forgot to. But someone may says that I have no common sense and behavior. I still keep the book titled "The world of Moon" which I borrowed from my elementally school library over 30 years ago in my parents' home. There is no excuse.
So, I borrowed this classic CD-R drive from a man, the husband of the woman who was a customer of pharmacy that was my past office. He said "You may use it if you need this. You'll return it if you'll not need it". So I wonder if I've been keeping it or I have it.
"B's recorder", A CD-R writing soft for windows(maybe for v3.1,both for PC-98&DOS/V) and for Mac is bundled in a each 3.5inch FD. I think that case with the logo mark of his company is the most splendid in this package. I planned to use it when I got SCSI I/F. It turned to be "junk" caused to have forgotten to buy SCSI I/F.

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