made by maybe ASUStek
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Junk Point No mainboards to apply
story I bought a mainboard with Alladin-IV chipset for 500yen at junkshop to restore the PC ruined by my father-in-law, but I found there are no blakets to apply this mainboard. So I tried to use the blaket in my home.
There were 4 polls in blaket and were same as the mainboard, so there were 4P4=4x3x2x1=24 patterns of connection. I connected the poll directly to the mainboard and turn was a sensitive work.
Each work required 5 minites , so they were planned to be able to finish within 2hours....but I got tired to check the pattern of connection so I spent a whole day for it.....and I couldn't find the right one...
Also, I lost the poll-cover.

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